Arquivo diário: 11 de janeiro de 2002

Theddy Boys Bem, Theddy boy são os rockers Ingleses da década de 50. o nome Theddy Boy vem do reinado do Rei Edward, onde se vestia muito bem. Os Theddy Boys se vestiam com ternos de veludo, costeletas enormes, topetes enormes e bem cuidados, sapatos e roupas caras em geral […]

Rivers Cuomo sabe das coisas: i’m a lot like you so please/ hello i’m here i’m waiting i think i’d be good for you/ and you’d be good for me how stupid is it / i can’t talk about it/ i gotta sing about it / and make a record […]

To put it bluntly, you’re a total slut! You’d go to the ends of the earth and back if you thought it would spice up your life a bit and deliver the attention that you constantly seek. However, I suggest if you ever go into a dark bathroom, be sure […]